Archive for the ‘General’ Category

It’s all over

As the following graph clearly indicates, my posting frequency is already on a slide!

Blog posts over timeBlog posts over time

If this trend keeps up, by the end of March I’ll only be posting about once every 12 years.

I actually started this blog at one of the worst possible times; during a period of overtime at work. The games industry is infamous for the unpaid overtime it inflicts on its workers, and the early part of this year is one of those times for me and my co-workers. I’m not complaining really (well, not too much) – I’ve been working normal hours for over a year straight, and I have high hopes for the project we’re all working on so I think it’s worth it. Not to mention the fact that I’m happy to be employed at a time when so many deserving people aren’t; I’m aware that I’m fortunate and I’m willing to work a bit harder than normal to maintain the status quo. Hopefully these bad times won’t go on for too long, and employers won’t take advantage of attitudes like mine!

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The Messy Desk, day 1

It’s true. All desks I use are messy.

Writing a blog seems to be the height of arrogance. Do I really expect anybody to care even slightly about the minutiae of my everyday life? And do I look like a twat when I use the word “minutiae” in my first post? ‘No’ and ‘Yes’, I think.

I’ve never considered myself arrogant, so then logically I must have some other reason for writing (or at least that’s what I pretend to myself). And I do! My wife and I have recently started cooking and I need somewhere to store recipes and all that slowly accumulating and hard-won knowledge, and this actually seems like quite a nice way to do it. It’s like having a conversation with a piece of database software. Also, my main interest outside of work is photography, and this format will let me post pictures and discuss them with a view to self-improvement.

So there you go; I’m writing for myself. Not arrogant maybe but certainly selfish. I don’t mind if nobody else reads it; in fact I think I might even prefer it if they don’t, but then I can’t really say that can I – I’m putting it on the internet!

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