Inspired by my friend Martin who did something similar last year, I decided to attempt the goal of trying a new beer every week for the whole year! This is a six-month recap of what I’ve tried so far. I’ve had to stick to what’s available in BC of course, so haven’t had a chance to try many American craft beers. There’s lots of local stuff here though!
- Red Racer IPA – The first beer I tried is from the local Central City Brewing Company, and won a few awards in 2010. Easily my favourite IPA and one of the best beers of the year so far overall.
- Red Racer Pale Ale – More bitter than the IPA, not as memorable.
- Red Racer Lager – Has a bite, almost apple taste, not for me.
- Tuborg – Unremarkable, inoffensive but forgettable.
- Bavaria – Don’t remember much about this one, didn’t dislike it but it didn’t stay with me.
- Chimay Blue – I like strong Belgian beers a lot, and this is one of the classics.
- Innis & Gunn Highland Cask – An interesting beer finished in whisky casks. VERY sweet, not my thing really despite the whisky connection!
- Steam Whistle Pilsner – From Ontario, really liked this one, easily available in Vancouver.
- Red Baron – Very forgettable, not great.
- Russell Lager – Ditto!
- Double Decker IPA – From a Victoria brewery, nowhere near as flavourful as the Red Racer.
- Estrella Inedit – Sold in 750ml bottles for $6, I really like it! It’s closest in flavour to a wheat beer and is great for the summer.
All of these were in an “Ontario Craft Beer” multipack I found at the great Legacy Liquor Store in the Olympic Village.
- Wellington SPA – Not bad, nothing special.
- Black Oak Pale Ale – Ditto.
- King Pilsner – Pretty good.
- Stone Hammer Pilsner – Didn’t taste like a pilsner, disappointing.
- Flying Monkey Hoptical Illusion – Wasn’t a fan.
- Cameron’s Cream Ale – Another forgettable entry.
- Flying Dog Tire Bite Golden Ale – Not bad but unlike the name, no bite! Also very expensive.
- Phillips Hefeweizen – I’m not a big fan of the Phillips Brewing Company normally, but this is probably my favourite beer of theirs. It’s a great-tasting wheat ale.
- Efes Pilsner – This was a really good, authentic-tasting pilsner.
- Lighthouse Deckhand Saison – Awesome Belgian-style beer by the Victoria-based Lighthouse.
- Stanley Park Amber Ale – This isn’t normally the kind of beer I like but for some reason I love this one. Lots of flavour yet light and crisp.
- Stanley Park Pilsner – Not as good as the Amber Ale sadly; there are many better pilsners out there.
There’s lots more to come later in the year; I’ve already found some great stuff for July!